What is Baptism?
At a baptism (also called ‘Christening’) a person, often a baby, is welcomed into the church community.
At the heart of the service is the moment when water from the church’s font will be poured over the head of the child or adult who is being baptised.
The sign of the cross will be made on the forehead of the person being baptised. This marks them as belonging to God.
The minister present will pray for the child or adult being baptised, and everyone promises to continue supporting them on their Christian journey.
The person being baptised, or parents and godparents on their behalf, make some important promises in the service. They will say that they turn away from evil, and turn to Christ.
At the end of the service the newly baptised child or adult will be given a candle, and everyone says, ‘Shine as a light in the world to the glory of God’.
If you want your child christened, a minister will meet with you to talk about the service and what it means for the whole family.
You can find out much more about christening/baptism here.
Thanksgiving Service
If you’ve recently had a baby and want to give thanks for their safe arrival, you may wish to ask your parish priest about having a service of Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child. In this service, you thank God for the gift of your child and the child is blessed. You do not make the same promises as in the Baptism service.
If you choose to have a Thanksgiving, you may also have a Baptism service for your child at a later date.
What do I have to do to arrange a baptism?
Please contact by email
Rector – Rev. Becky Dyball – 01487 506217 or [email protected]
or Ali Scott – [email protected]
When do you do baptism services?
Sometimes baptism is part of a normal Sunday service, but for most people it is more convenient to hold it later in the day. Often this is at 12.30pm on a suitable Sunday.
What about godparents –
Children normally have three godparents, who make promises on their behalf. Godparents must be over 16, must be baptised, and ideally confirmed or active members of their own church. It is customary to choose two godparents of the same sex as the child but choosing the right people who will be a good Christian influence and will pray for their godchild, is the most important thing.
What will it cost?
Nothing! There is no charge for a baptism service. However some families like to make a donation to the church.
What happens next?
We will arrange to visit you at home at a convenient time to talk about what baptism means and what happens in the service. You may like to ask any questions you have about the Christian faith. Please don’t make any arrangements with relations or godparents until a date has been fixed with us.
What happens at the service?
Details of the service will be explained at the preparation. It is important that parents and godparents understand what they are undertaking. You will be asked to declare that you will do your best to give your child a Christian upbringing, to help the child get to know the Bible and how to pray and that you will be an example to them of Christian living. You also have to declare your own faith. This can all seem rather daunting, but you will have the help of the family of God – and of God himself.
Read more about the service here.
What happens after the baptism service?
If the baptism takes place outside a normal service, you will be invited to come to the next first Sunday service, for your child to be welcomed into the congregation.
We would like to support you as your child grows up. You are invited to continue to attend our All-Age worship services on the second Sunday of the month at 10.30am, where you can get to know other people in the congregation, or to come to Messy Church which usually meets on the 3rd Saturday of the month at 4.30pm for crafts, Bible story, song and prayer, and a meal together.